You can use different FTP accounts to administer your content if you have a number of sites within one and the same hosting account. You can grant different people access only to certain folders, for example – web designers or IT persons from the company, and be certain that they will not be able to access any other directories or anything else in the web hosting account, as the FTP accounts have restricted access. What’s more, you can set up and administer a number of different sites at once with a web design application such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage (since these applications use FTP to make a connection to the web server) and publish the website files both when you create them and when you update them. A key part of doing these things is the ability to create and administer your FTP accounts quickly and effortlessly.

FTP Manager in Shared Web Hosting

When you you open a shared web hosting account with us, you’ll receive access to the super-powerful FTP Manager tool, which is part of our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel. The tool includes a number of different options, apart from the ability to set up or remove FTP accounts. You’ll be able to check the access path for each account and by clicking it, you can alter it so that the account in question will access a separate folder. Auto-configuration files can be downloaded as well, so you will not have to set up anything manually – you can simply download the given file for FileZilla, Core FTP or CyberDuck and install it on your PC. To make the management simpler, the FTP Manager will permit you to view all the FTP accounts that you’ve created in alphabetical order, based on either the username or the access path.

FTP Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

Even if you have never used a hosting account before, you won’t have any problems managing any part of your web presence in case you get a semi-dedicated server from our company and the FTP part makes no exception. With the FTP Manager, which is an integral part of our avant-garde Hepsia Control Panel, you will exert complete control over your FTP accounts via a rather easy-to-use GUI. With only a couple of mouse clicks, you’ll be able to do virtually everything – to create or to delete an FTP account, to update its password, to change the folder that it can connect to or to download auto-config files for applications like FileZilla and Core FTP. If you have set up lots of accounts, you’ll be able to manage them effortlessly, as you can sort them alphabetically in ascending or descending order either by folder access path or by username.